Save The Bell Inn
The Bell Inn at Great Bourton was a much-loved pub for many years situated at the heart of the village opposite All Saints Church.
Closed since 2023, the pub has since been sold to a developer with the premises due to be considered by Cherwell District Council for conversion to a family home. The Planning Application relies on the developer’s assertion that the pub is not valued by the village.
In response, villagers have joined together to Save The Bell by registering the property as an Asset of Community Value (ref: ACV078) and encouraging residents to object to the planning application via the Council’s website here.
Alongside these efforts, Leader of the Conservative Group on Cherwell District Council Cllr Eddie Reeves is asking villagers to sign a petition to give the premises the best possible chance of staying as a pub.
The petition calls on Cherwell District Council to ensure that the developer’s Planning Application is considered by the Planning Committee, rather than delegated to unelected planning officers, and that the community's application to designate the premises as an Asset of Community Value is determined before the Planning Application. Unless both of these steps are taken, there is a real risk that the Bell Inn will be lost to history.
Add your name by please signing our petition below. Thank you.